Anthrocon 1999

Monday 5th July:

A time to pack and say goodbyes. I soon realised that I was going to have to stuff some things into the JavaOne backpack and check that through as a separate item. I hung around in the lobby saying goodbye, and watching furs check out, and normal people arrive. I almost managed it without tears - sorry Harry Bear for letting my emotions get the better of me, and thanks to Tir & Mishi for the hugs in the lift.

Fortunately the journey home was uneventful, other than the slightly surreal nature of being awake for around 36 hours straight. I was much too hyped up about the whole experience to sleep on the plane. Thanks to everyone for making it a great experience, one I would like to repeat next year. Of course next time I'll find more time to chat to furs, more time to ...

David Cooke.