If you'd put money on us actually making that early start, well, you would have lost.
I think I was the first really up and about, walking along the towpath in the drizzle to the other end of the boat to try and persuade someone to fire up the diesel. Until that had been done there was no hot water or water pressure, and plenty of excuse to stay in bed.
Kyyanno wasn't feeling too well, so Hy Tiger and I got the boat underway. With Colifox comforting Kyanno, I took my turn in the galley, making bacon rolls, tea, burgers, and a bolognese roll.
Before we got very far we came across a logjam of narrow boats, with one seemingly stuck across the width of the canal. This boat had picked up a stowaway while moored during the night: a sheep. The crew were busy trying to persuade it to go ashore from one end or the other. Once the sheep had been removed there was quite a convoy heading towards Coventry.
The rain didn't really let up on Monday. Those not
braving the elements at the tiller got on with packing
and tiding up. We had certainly been lucky not to have
had rain much before now. It would have been hard, I
think, for us to have spent a lot of the day inside.
Before long we were back at the Swan Wharf, unpacking our
belongings, auctioning off the remaining communal supplies,
and saying our farewells.
It had been a great long weekend. Thanks go to all involved,
especially Badgerguy for the organisation, and those who
took their turns at the tiller.