Menus with conditional options

Sometimes options in a menu might only show up when they are relevant, such as when some pre-condition has been met. This can be done by adding an if expression between the name of the option and the colon.

The snippet for searching the study could be changed to remove the search option for each scenery item once it has been searched:

default keyFound = False
default pageFound = False

label study:
    $ renpy.dynamic('done')
    "You respectfully enter your grandfather's study. The room still
    smells the same as it always did."
    $ done = False
    while not done:
            "{alt}Menu. {/alt}Where do you want to look?"
            "Search desk" if not pageFound:
                "You carefully search the desk and under the blotter
                you find a curious page of parchment covered in symbols."
                $ pageFound = True
            "Check under rug" if not keyFound:
                "You lift to corner of the old rug and find a small
                brass key."
                $ keyFound = True
                $ done = True
    "You leave the study and close the door behind you."

What if there are no valid options?

If there are no options for a menu because all of the options have conditions that are False then the menu isn't displayed at all. Execution proceeds with the next line after the menu block.