Naming conventions

Readability counts, and it helps to be consistent. Since Python lies below all of Ren'Py it makes sense to consider the way Python suggests doing things outlined in PEP-8 . The following named styles are recognised:

All letters are lower case, no underscores.
All letters are lower case, words separated by underscores.
All letters are upper case, no underscores.
All letters are upper case, words separated by underscores.
The first letter of each word is upper case, the rest are lower case.
The first letter of the first word is lower case, subsequent words have the first letter in upper case.


I'll just say it: Python has an underscore fetish. Underscores are used to convey meaning besides being just a separator that isn't a white space. In other places underscores change the way things work.

Single leading underscore: _thing
Weakly indicates that the thing is for internal use. Python has no access control mechanism or keyword like private in other languages.
Single trailing underscore: thing_
Used to avoid conflict with a keyword like class. So if a parameter to a function is supposed to be passed a class you'd name the parameter class_. Personally, I prefer Mr. Bounder of Adventure's solution and spell class with a 'k': klass.
Double leading underscores: __thing
Invokes name-mangling for attributes of a class.
Double leading and trailing underscores (dunder): __thing__
"Magic" objects and attributes. I'm not making this up. These are fundamental to the way Python works, like __init__ and __str__. Don't invent more of them.
Ren'Py itself adds a function _()
This is used to mark strings as needing to be translated.

Personally I strongly dislike underscores for a number of reasons:

With that in mind (and I'm sure I'm not the only one) this section is going to contain official (PEP8) and personal (Dingo) recommendations.


Script files

Script files must begin with a letter or number, but may not begin with two zeros 00. They must have the extension .rpy. You can break up your game into as many script files as you wish as labels are used to find parts of the script. In some cases the order of scripts may be important. Ren'Py loads them in order based on the path and filename (depth first). For initialisation (init blocks) the order can be altered by the init statement.

Image files

Image files have to be named a certain way if they are to be used without specifying the extension of the file.

Labels (Ren'Py)

Python has no goto or jump equivalent for good reason, so the PEP has nothing to offer on how to choose names for labels. Ren'Py's documentation and the behaviour of the "Add from clauses to calls" build option shows a preference for lower_case_with_underscores.

Ren'Py: Label names should be lower_case_with_underscores.
Dingo: Label names should be mixedCase, but from clause labels may be lower_case_with_underscores.

Global labels still have to be unique across all .rpy files. If you are working with subfolders it may help to devise a label naming scheme that echoes the path to the file. For example the file act1/scene1.rpy would use label act1_scene1:.

Local labels only have to be unique within their global label. Where a local label has the same function in multiple files it should have the same name.

Special labels

Ren'Py has a number of labels that have special meanings:

after_load Called after a save game has been loaded. Intended to allow adjustments between save game versions.
after_warp If it exists it is called after the warp but before the warped-to line is executed. Warping is a developer mode feature that is invoked from the command line and makes a best-effort to attempt to run the game from a specific line.
See Warping to a line .
before_main_menu If it exists it is called before the main menu. Can be used to set up the main menu for example by starting a movie in the background.
hide_windows If it exists it is called when the player hides windows with the H key or the right mouse button. If it returns True Ren'Py assumes the code in the label hid the windows. If it returns False the windows are hidden as normal.
main_menu If it exists it is called instead of showing the main menu. When (if) it returns Ren'Py will start the game at the start label.
quit If it exists it is called when the player quits the game. It is called in a new context.
splashscreen If it exists it is called when the game is launched before showing the main menu.
start Called when the player clicks Start on the main menu.

Variables (defaults)

PEP8: Variable names should be lower_case_with_underscores.
Dingo: Variable names should be mixedCase.

Names to avoid

Single letter names in general. Some are generally considered acceptable where they represent mathematical symbols such as x, y, and z where dealing with coordinate systems. Since Fortran days programmers have used i, j, k, through n for integer variables. Avoid b, f, r, and u as these are valid prefixes for strings so a missing space can change the meaning.

Because Ren'Py variables have global scope it's all too easy to completely fubar everything by creating a variable that overrides or hides something important like a Python built-in function, particularly if you come from developing in another language where a variable x cannot override/hide a function x(). Prime offenders are len and str.

While the Ren'Py documentation does offer a long list of all the already-used names to search through often a faster method is to:

  1. Launch your game
  2. Open the console Shift + O
  3. Try to print your prospective variable name: print varname
  4. A message ending NameError: name varname is not defined means it is safe to use that name


Most of the time booleans are used to indicate conditions and are used in if statements and with logical operators. It makes sense to use names that are going to read cleanly. For example if keyFound: is more obvious than if key:.


Numeric values can be used for measurements in which case I'd recommend including the unit in the name for example pcHeightIn or pcHeightCm. This is particularly important if you are mixing unit systems for accessibility.


Ren'Py has a number of variables that have special meanings (TBC):

_returnValue returned from the last Ren'Py script call
save_nameAn additional line of text to annotate the next game save

Constants (defines)

PEP8: Constant names should be UPPER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES.
Dingo: Constant names should be mixedCase postfixed with 'C'.

Neither Python or Ren'Py have the ability to stop you altering the value of a variable intended to be constant. There's no equivalent of const or other keyword to create a constant. The naming convention is used as an indication that you shouldn't ever alter a value.

Functions (Python)

PEP8: Function names should be lower_case_with_underscores.
Dingo: Function names should be mixedCase.

Functions follow the same naming conventions as variables. Functions will be covered later.

Classes (Python)

PEP8: Class names should be CamelCase.
Dingo: Class names should be CamelCase.

Classes are a more advanced topic, and these will be covered later. Classes (and some class-like things) are the only names that have an initial uppercase letter.