Anthrocon 1999

Thursday 1 July:

Got a few hours sleep, though I was way too excited to sleep properly. Had breakfast with Swampy & Sandroo, and decided to investigate the Mall as there wasn't much furry stuff going on yet. After the Rockies, the heat and humidity really got to me. I bought a wolf t-shirt, a voltage converter (to run my palm pilot in .uk), and noted down several books I'd be ordering when I got home - my suitcase was _already_ overfull. Returned to the hotel to find that things were beginning to stir: normal people were checking out, and furs were checking in, and Lomax had arrived.

Decided to risk the registration line, as it probably wasn't going to get any better, and compared to Java One it was a breeze. Thankfully Aeto & Robin had spotted us using our passports to register (.uk still has no identity card system - its a WWII thing), and it was wonderful being introduced to everyfur. I won't be able to remember who was there (Robin, Kimba, Tirran, Duncan, and of course Tim Gadd with that "Wolf Gate" demin shirt), Nrasser & Mirko were a nice suprise as I hadn't been expecting to see them. Dinner was at Peppers - thankyou Harry Bear! Got to chat mainly with the family Kimba, Harry, and Wolven Terror.