UK Fursuit material suppliers

These pages list UK suppliers of materials and tools of interest to fursuiters. The search box below can be used to find specific materials. If your favourite UK supplier isn't listed, or you cannot find a specific product, then please contact me. Additions from suppliers are also welcome.

Please remember that most of the suppliers listed here are normal businesses, and are best contacted by phone during office hours (9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday). Some of them don't even have websites, let alone online ordering, and perhaps they don't check e-mail as often as they ought. One of the reasons for maintaining these listings is so that these companies can be found by those more used to finding things on the web. In general, you will have a much more productive time if you stick to traditional means and times of communication. Also, if you can't find someone local try calling the sales department of one of the manufacturers or importers and ask them where their nearest distributor is.

Search by:

Fake furs and other fabrics

Sculpting, mask making, and makeup supplies

Commercial Costumes, Creatures, FX

Art, craft and modelmaking supplies


Metalworking and Tool suppliers


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